The idea of ​​a human aura, a bright, radiant cloud that envelops the body, is an ancient one. This symbol appeared in the art of ancient Egypt, India, Greece and Rome long before it became popular in Christian art and before auras were considered a characteristic of ordinary people. For centuries, there has been a belief that people with clairvoyant abilities are able to detect an aura around others. This aura varies in color and texture from person to person and reflects the health, emotional and spiritual state of the individual.


The energy body is an expression of the visible physical body and extends four to five inches beyond it. This invisible energy field that surrounds the physical body is called the inner aura. When there is a partial or local loss of prana in the energy body, it can become ill. This is called prana deficiency or a lack of prana energy. An excess of prana over a long period of time can also lead to health problems, which is called prana congestion.



The physical body emits bioplasmic rays from its surface. These rays combine with the inner aura and are called health rays. The entire field of these rays is called the health aura, which extends about 100cm from the body.






Outside of this health aura there is another energy field, the outer aura. It connects to the inner and health aura and extends approximately one meter away from the visible body. From a clairvoyant perspective, the outer aura often appears colorful and has the shape of an inverted egg.

As a person progresses spiritually, the size of the chakras, inner aura, health rays, health aura and outer aura can noticeably grow.

The close relationship between the energy body and the physical body.

The energy body and the physical body are very closely connected. Therefore, a disturbance in one directly affects the other and vice versa. So, if the bioplasmic area of ​​the neck is weakened, it can show up in the physical body in the form of coughs, colds, sore throats, tonsillitis or other throat-related ailments.
Similarly, a cut or sprain causes a loss of prana in the affected area. Initially, the affected area temporarily glows brighter due to the escape of prana, but the color of the aura inevitably turns grayish as prana is depleted.

Diseases first appear in the energy body and can be prevented before they manifest.

If you look at it clairvoyantly, disease can be detected in the energy body before it shows up in the visible physical body.
In fact, there are technologies/imaging techniques to illustrate this.
For example, the bioplasmic area of ​​the throat and lungs of a person who is about to catch a cold will appear grey and pranic exhausted. If the affected health aura is cleansed in time, the disease can be prevented from reaching the physical body. However, if left untreated, the disease will inevitably manifest in the visible body.

Kirlian Photo Method / Korotkov
Full body aura, front view of a healthy, normal person, calculated from digital Kirlian auras of the 10 fingers, based on algorithms that rely on empirical correlations with biomedical data and the traditional Chinese medicine theory of acupuncture meridians. Right and left side views (not shown) can also be calculated from the finger data. Total area, intensity distribution, density distribution, fractality and other parameters can also be obtained.
Relative energy distribution in the 7 chakras of a healthy, normal person. Chakras 1 to 7 are shown from left to right. Typically, the energy pattern shows the heart chakra (4th chakra) with the highest energy peak, as shown here. An energy value distribution of -0.5 or below indicates below-average energy levels; values ​​between -0.5 and 0.5 indicate normal energy levels; and values ​​above 0.5 indicate excess energy or inflammatory energy.
Messungsdiagramme / Korotkov
Schematic representation of the defined sectors of light emission of all ten fingers and the total body aura calculated from them. As an example of the use of this method, sector number 8 on the left and right thumb is mathematically combined to form the aura around the crown of the head.

Here we offer you direct application through Prana healing. After a short anamnesis interview, you have the opportunity to work with one of our Prana healers.

This is not a substitute for medical treatment for an advanced illness. In this case, Prana healing is used in several sessions to support the necessary treatment and healing.
Nevertheless, the treatment an

d the accompanying awareness of your own energy, its flow and the true reasons for health is a true gift.

Make an appointment today.