Have you ever wondered how you might gain a better understanding of your life, your purpose in life, or your relationships, your relationships with other people, with nature, but most of all with yourself?

To understand our lives, it is helpful to understand the energy that makes us who we are in its various forms – its properties, its archetypal nature, and its diverse mental, physical, and emotional expressions.


Energy can resonate harmoniously or be dissonant, much like music has resonant and dissonant tones.

With Human Design and the Gene Keys system, both based on the ancient I’Ching, it is possible to interpret the expression of your personal energy, including dominant or less emphasized energies as they flow in and through you..

In business life, it is very helpful if business partners understand who they are working with and how they can do it most effectively. Human Design makes it easy to determine dominant energies, optimal collaboration and open areas between two people.

What are my strengths and weaknesses, or those of my business partner? Where should we pay attention and to what extent do we complement each other?

How strong is the resonance between us? Do we really understand each other, and if so, in which areas does it simply click and flow, or in which areas is there conflict and it seems difficult to find common ground? Where do we complement each other, and in which areas do we grow together?

How do I color my partner, and how does he color me?

If we compare two people with each other, i.e. their energy systems, we often recognize more than just nuances that lead to a greater understanding of each other.

Who is my child (energetically), or how do I communicate so that he or she can understand me? What is healthy for my child? What are his or her strengths and weaknesses?

Often the general wisdom of raising children is not enough, as we can all be very different. Human Design helps us to understand what basic energetic nature our child has in order to be able to respond to it in a targeted manner.

What is Human Design?


In simple terms, Human Design helps us understand the positions and impression of natural energy on us at the time of our birth. It is like a photograph that captures the electromagnetic and informational state at the time of our birth. In the depths of science, the subject of information field/information is the non plus ultra these days. This energetic image/photo directly shapes our life experiences and is expressed in our innate energy patterns (“strengths and weaknesses”).

These patterns are often referred to as archetypal energies, but are essentially natural energy in all its forms. Nature in this context mainly refers to the planetary neighborhood, especially the energy of the sun and earth.

Imagine jumping into a river. It carries you, influences your movements and you react to it. In the same way, we embody the energies of the natural world from the moment we are born (jumping into the river) and even while we are preparing for it in the womb (the formation of our body). We enter physical reality at a certain moment and immerse ourselves in “the waters of this world.” The moment of definition, much like the moment a photograph is taken.

In our collective evolution on this planet, at this time, we have not yet reached the point where we can use the power of our basic “consciousness” at will to shape the physical world directly according to our ideas.

The last sentence is certainly very futuristic, but if you consider that consciousness is the basis of every experience and action in this energetic world, you can imagine that at some point it will have reached a state that brings with it the willful influence of “matter”, ergo energy.

Some say “it’s all a question of consciousness”, which is fundamentally true, and yet the physical world is the one that initially makes the biggest impression on us.

There are two ways of development for us humans. Conscious development, and the more automatic unconscious development.


Type And (Energy) Centers


There are four general basic energy types that correspond to the human aura: generator, projector, manifestor and reflector. There is also a mixed form, the manifesting generator.

The term aura describes the overall expression of our energy, which can also be made visible using various methods.

Human Design recognizes that there are energy centers in the human body system. These centers have a direct physical expression through the body’s hormone glands. Based on the “photograph” taken at the moment of our first breath, these centers can be either open or defined. Open centers are influenced by the energy of the environment and other people. This is perfectly normal, as we are interactive and social beings who are constantly exchanging energies, information, etc. On the other hand, defined centers are far less influenced by external energies, and their energy is consistently theirs, i.e. your inherent energy.

These centers are connected by channels that serve as internal “highways” for our energy. This adds another layer to the body’s functions, beyond the purely physical approach of academic medicine, which focuses on familiar channels and centers of action such as veins, neurons, or blood vessels. Our existence has multiple levels, of which the physical body is one. This is well known in Eastern traditions and not only is it used successfully, but studies are increasingly showing the reality of this.

Today, we are rediscovering, or rather discovering, with the help of the scientific method, that life is much more than a mere mechanistic process. Human Design allows us to apply the properties of energy to our lives, including its higher and lower expressions, which, when understood, can greatly help us navigate our experiences.




each of which represents an archetypal natural energy. For example, if two gates are activated, each at a different center and in harmony with each other, a defined channel is created. Then we consistently embody that particular energy throughout our lives. The same principle applies when two individuals come together. If one has a gate and the other has the harmonious gate for that archetypal energy, the channel and its energy expression is created as long as they are together.

Deep Insights

One of the profound insights that Human Design offers is an understanding of what we are not. Our rational mind often tells us we should be a certain way or do certain things, but sometimes that goes against our true nature. Recognizing what is not really in us helps us find clarity. This is not an absolute limitation, as we can overcome it with great dedication, but if you are a motorcycle with two wheels, for example, you are less likely to aspire to be a car with four wheels. It is simply not in harmony with your nature.

In Human Design we work with 36 channels, 9 centers and, as mentioned, 64 gates. These concepts, insights and methods originated thousands of years ago. The I Ching is the earliest system that describes what Human Design does today in a modern way.


After determining what type you are (or your partner/child) it is also easy to describe what “energetic” strategy you should pursue. HD offers insight into the profile of your life, which relates to the likely structure of your life or your unique purpose and calling. I say “probably” because Human Design is a powerful tool for decoding the energy of life and is extremely precise, but I never underestimate the power of your soul to shape and design this energetic world.

Here at Energymec we often combine the most powerful aspects and skills of Human Design and Gene Keys. You have the option of booking a personal Human Design consultation, a combined consultation with the Gene Keys system or a Gene Keys consultation alone. We also offer other options because it is one thing to understand who you are, but another to apply the skills you have discovered. That is why we offer techniques such as meditation, among others.

What do you want?

If we want to reach our potential, we should take the conscious path and study the energy of the natural world. This clearly includes our bodies, our planet, the sun, as well as our energetic neighborhood in which we live, the planets. Since we are something like spiritual astronauts in an intelligent space suit, our body, we have no other option than to explore the natural world through our bodies. Totally exciting, isn’t it?!

Human Design gives us various parameters that we can work with.