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“We humans become much more aware of our personal energies.”

“Questions like, ‘What energies do I give off or take in?’ are becoming more important.”

“The knowledge of one’s own energy patterns is becoming more accessible and opening up new perspectives.”


  • We create a book that is exclusively about you and your relationships.


  • Discover a wealth of normally hidden information about yourself.


  • Use the “Wisdom of the Ages” now available to reveal the truth about your personal archetypal energies.


  • Understand your natural energies consciously and purposefully: Instead of learning through trial and error over years, you can now directly understand how your inner and outer forces work. This gives you the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of your energetic nature more quickly and effectively.



Any experienced person will agree that no one in life will ever find definitive answers. Life is a process of “being”, of natural knowledge, such as how to do things, learned from our ancestors. Our life, this “being” remains for most of us, apart from the obvious things such as eating, a great mystery and often a confusing guessing game..

What is Love?

What am “i”, or who am “i””?

What am I really here for and what am I here to be? Is there more?

Socrates once said: “I know that I know nothing.“

Natural philosophy, what we now call science, is our most powerful tool for grasping reality, or at least getting closer to it as it really is. We experimented, measured, reasoned, weighed, and tried to shape the substances of the natural world to our advantage by understanding them better..


In this way we developed recipes for baking bread or making concrete, for example. Both are fairly reliable things in terms of their practicality.

But when we dig deeper and ask what bread and concrete are made of, we come across something we called atoms. Later we discovered that they are fundamentally made of what we call energy


We discovered the reality of energy.

We use energy in its many forms, but what it really IS remains a great mystery – both scientifically and philosophically.

But one thing is certain: Energy determines everything in our lives.

We live through it. We try to obtain it, transform it and give it away again in different forms, be it in the form of money, food, light, warmth, sex or real love. We are the embodiment of energy! living energy …

We are consciousness and experience the physical world of energy.

Can we better understand the expression of this energy on our consciousness?

Here at  energymec.com we create „The Book of my Life“, in which we explore the human, physical, emotional and mental Energy Mechanics using the Human Design and Gene Keys system.

Here we explore energy and its meaning for us as individuals, as an expression of this universal energy and create  a meaningful analysis 

Just as we understand and use the ingredients of bread and concrete, we have also found powerful ways to gauge the influence of the energies of the natural world and better understand how they are expressed in our lives..

The qualities of energy are often much more than what we can measure. In a physiological, psychological and emotional sense, it is more about the character of the energy and the information it carries.


The Charakter of the Energy within us …

For thousands of years, people have created systems to interpret and understand this archetypal character. Starting with the more than 3000 year old Chinese I Ching system, modern systems such as the Human Design- and Gene Keys-System these insights into a modern language, for modern minds and contemporary concepts.

If you look at the available wisdom teachings, they all point to what we call love. Neuroanthropology shows that we actually use up to 90% of our capacity to find this in all its forms. Love.

TheArt of Life is probably the best concept for which our service, here at energymec.com, was created. In the end there is self-love and a deep understanding of one’s own nature.




With  „the Book of my Life“ you immediately gain 70% to 90% more insight into your personal energy-mechanical Nature.

Read this Book about your self and learn step by step the deeper archetypal nature of your self as a soul, which in this vast and mysterious ocean of ambition, physical, mental and emotional Energy swims and swings. Literally!

Simply learn more about your nature and compare what you learn with your direct experiences, thoughts and perceptions. You will be amazed …





Because it is one thing to know about your archetypal energy patterns and quite another to experience them directly (preferably in combination with the information about your energy patterns).

Wisdom exists in 3 levels:

  1. Someone tells you things, you read, listen and study (Suta-maya-paññā)
  2. After you have studied things, you let them mature within you, you think about them(Cinta-maya-paññā)
  3. You experience “IT” (Bhāvanā-maya-paññā)

Through practices such as meditation, you can become familiar with your energy. This not only teaches you how the energy flows within you, but also how it directly creates inner peace, mental clarity (which leads to wisdom) and physical health.

Here at energymec.com you can also learn and practice meditation.

Usually in individual or group sessions.




Why does the Buddha have a swastika on his chest?

The swastika actually represents the universal electrical life force. Energy flows in and through our bodies. This energy is alive. In China or Japan it is called Chi/Qi, in India Prana, in Africa Baraka, in Greece Pneuma, in Hebrew Ruach, in ancient Rome Spiritus, in Polynesia Mana, in ancient Egypt Ka and also Orgone, as it was coined 100 years ago in Austria by Wilhelm Reich.

PRANIC HEALING/ PRANA HEALING is based on the knowledge of this flowing energy and is a method to, for example, clean blockages and supply the body with energy.

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